Commissioning and Preliminary Observation Results of SST-1M Cherenkov telescopes

[ Thomas Tavernier (FZU, Prague, Czech Republic), TeVPa 2024 – Chicago, 27. 8. 2024 ] SST-1M is a single-mirror small size Cherenkov telescope prototype developed by a consortium among institutes in Switzerland, Poland, and the Czech Republic. With a 4 meter mirror and a 5.6 m focal length, SST-1Ms have a broad 9 degree field of view and aim to detect gamma rays spanning the energy range of 1 to 300 TeV. The DigiCam camera incorporates a compact Photo-Detector Plane comprising 1296 hexagonal silicon photomultiplier pixels and a fully digital readout and trigger system using a 250 MHz ADC. Two SST-1M...

Poster presented on CTAO Science Symposium

[ Bastien Lacave, CTAO Science Symposium, 15-18 April 2024 in Bologna ] Current status and recent results of the SST-1M telescopes were presented at the CTAO Science Symposium in Bologna. Bastien Lacave, member of the SST-1M consortium, presented poster to the general audience, emhasizing achievemts reached with the telescopes operation in stereo mode and future prospects for scientific observations. [ View the poster ] [ CTAO Science Symposium 2024 – website ] Photo: archive of the Astronomical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.

Design, Performance, and Commissioning Results of a SST-1M Telescope

Thomas Tavernier (FZU, Prague, Czech Republic), TeVPa 2023 – Napoli, 12. 9. 2023 SST-1M is a single-mirror Small Size Telescope prototype developed by a consortium of institutes from Poland, Switzerland and the Czech Republic. The design of the SST-1M follows the Davies-Cotton design, with a 9.42m2 multi-segment mirror. With a wide field of view of 9 degrees, SST-1M is designed to detect gamma rays in the energy range between 1 and 300 TeV. The two SST-1Ms that have been built are equipped with the DigiCam camera, which features a fully digital readout and trigger system using 250 MHz ADC, and a compact...

Analysis of commissioning data from SST-1M : APrototype of Single-Mirror Small Size Telescope

Thomas Tavernier (on behalf of SST-1M Group), ICRC 2023, Nagoya, Japan, 26. 7. – 3. 8. 2023 SST-1M is a prototype of a single-mirror Small Size Telescope developed by a consortium of institutes from Poland, Switzerland and the Czech Republic. With a wide field of view of 9 degrees, SST-1Ms are designed to detect gamma-rays in the energy range between 1 and 300 TeV. The design of the SST-1M follows the Davies-Cotton concept, with a 9.42m2 multi-segment mirror. SST-1M is equipped with DigiCam camera, which features a fully digital readout and trigger system using 250 MHz ADC, and a compact...

Mono and stereo performance of the two SST-1M telescope prototypes

Jakub Jurysek (on behalf of SST-1M Group), ICRC 2023, Nagoya, Japan, 26. 7. – 3. 8. 2023 The Single-Mirror Small-Sized Telescope, or SST-1M, was originally developed as a prototype of a small-sized telescope for CTA, designed to form an array for observations of gamma-ray-induced atmospheric showers for energies above 3 TeV. A pair of SST-1M telescopes is currently being commissioned at the Ondrejov Observatory in the Czech Republic, and the telescope capabilities for mono and stereo observations are being tested in better astronomical conditions. The final location for the telescopes will be decided based on these tests. In this contribution,...